Encrypted message:
Your encrypted message will appear here
Decrypted message:
Open Source
Nothing is stored on the server
Nothing is transmitted to the server
We can not read or log your password or message data
Encryption is made with Javascript locally in your browser
There are some texts you may be sending to your friends or employees over the social media or online messaging platforms and you would like to keep them secret. This tool uses encryption algorithm based on ASCII value of data to allow you send the encrypted messages online.
Encrypted message:
Decrypted message:
How to encrypt
1. Enter your secret message in the form
It is an easy process. You will start by typing or copying your message then paste it on the message input field. This tool allows you to write the text message on any language.
2. Make password
Enter a password to encrypt your message. Please use long passwords. Your recipient must know this password so that it can decipher the message. Provide the password to other party via a safe communication channel.
3. Click "Encrypt" button
The encrypted message will appear in symbols which nobody will read unless he uses the same tool to decrypt.
4. Copy the encrypted message
The resulting content will be encrypted. In order to send your secret message, you can send the encrypted over the social media or even other less secure online messaging platforms after which you will send the password to the intended recipient.
How to decrypt
1. Paste your message to the message box
After you receive the encrypted message, it is time to decrypt it and read the content. You will have to copy and paste it into the text provided.
2. Enter the password
You must know the password of your sender. Only with the correct password you will be able to decrypt the message. Use the password to decrypt the message so that you can proceed and get the information.
3. Click "Decrypt" button
4. Read the original message
Open Source Project 2019 | Created by Sasa Gugunovic